Jon Brickert

Welcome to my personal website where you will learn about me


Welcome to my portfolio project! I'm Jon Brickert, and I'm thrilled to showcase my journey and skills in the realm of web development. As someone navigating the challenges of cerebral palsy and ADHD, this project is not just a testament to my technical abilities but also a celebration of my unique strengths and determination.

In this portfolio, I highlight the projects and accomplishments that underscore my commitment to creating inclusive and accessible web experiences. The fusion of progressive values, such as integrity, transparency, equality, and kindness, serves as the driving force behind every line of code and design choice.

As a web developer, I understand the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms, including my own. My projects aim to not only showcase technical proficiency but also reflect the inclusive mindset that is crucial in today's digital landscape.

Join me on this journey through my portfolio, where I explore the intersection of cerebral palsy and ADHD with the dynamic world of web development. Together, let's break down barriers, create opportunities, and build a digital landscape that is not only functional but also celebrates the diverse talents that each individual, including myself, brings to the table.

About Me

About Me

On my website, visitors will find an insightful resource that introduces them to my personal and professional journey. It offers a detailed overview of my experiences, skills, and goals, presenting a clear picture of who I am and what I strive to achieve.



My blog page is a dynamic space for sharing insights and experiences in web development and design. It features a variety of articles, from industry trends to tutorials and personal reflections, aimed at engaging and educating readers in the digital creation sphere.



The projects page showcases a portfolio of my web development and design work. It highlights various projects, detailing the creative process, technologies used, and the final outcomes. This page serves as a testament to my skills and creativity in the field.



The resume page presents my professional background, including work experience, education, and key skills. It offers a comprehensive overview of my journey in web design and development, underscoring my qualifications and accomplishments in the industry.

Contact Me

Contact Me

This page provides visitors with various methods to get in touch with me. It includes contact details like email and phone number, and a form for direct inquiries. Additionally, there's a map for location reference, making it easy for anyone to reach out or visit.